Keep Fit At Any Age + Featured Health Blogger!

Get to know Kaine Victory Johnson of Kayscrib — a Health Blogger who is also a Medical Laboratory Scientist! What she likes to write about is fitness, food facts, and health. Take a look at her blog to know her better. Now, I continue by presenting here one of her articles "How to Get Fit at Home without Equipment". It's interesting, so keep reading! "Getting…

10 Healthy Tips for Fitness Success

Getting fit is on the minds of most people. However, many people are not consistent and fail in the first three months of an exercise program. But if it becomes a habit and they stick to it, something magical happens after four months. You are finally getting the results you expect and chances are you will continue with the exercise program. Here 10 simple tips…

What you eat before and after your workout is very important

Anytime you exercise, you do so in order to try to maintain good health. You also know that you have to eat as well, so your body will have the energy it needs to exercise and maintain the everyday tasks of life. For making the best of your exercise, what you eat before and after your workout is very important. No matter if you are…

How to Achieve Good Life and Fitness

How will you know if you have a good life and a fit body? When you visit your doctor, do you ever bother to ask him that question? Good life and fitness are somehow synonymous, but not all people will agree to that. If you’re fit, then you’re bound to have a good life in terms of being healthy and not being prone to illnesses.…

Adding Aerobic Exercise To Your Day

Aerobic exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. If you are looking to include exercise in your life to improve your health, lose weight, and prevent disease, you should seek an exercise program that is enjoyable for you. The key to exercise and its positive benefits is consistency. You should seek an exercise that you could do every day for the greatest benefits…

A Pilates Mind And Body Workout!

Pilates mind is the state of mind you get into during a Pilates workout. Think of it in much the same way as you think of the state of mind a person is supposed to have during yoga. Not quite like the runner’s high, Pilates mind is a more tranquil, refreshed state of awareness. Do all who perform the exercises experience Pilates mind? Undoubtedly, no.…