The Power Workout

Not enough hours in the day? Feeling the crunch when it comes to finding time for just your own needs? If exercise is important to you, you might do well to consider the following: Scenario: I really want to get in shape, but I work all day and attend multimedia classes until 8:30. How do I find the time to exercise, and what are a…

Too tired to exercise?

Too tired to exercise? Have your iron levels checked. If you already exercise and find you’re approaching your daily workout with excessive fatigue and lack of motivation, see your doctor and have your iron level checked. Your doctor can do a blood test called a ferreting level, which measures your body’s stores of iron. Aerobic exercise can cause slow depletion of iron levels, with iron…

Training Frequency & Rest Days

When it comes to muscle-building, how often you train and how often you rest are just as important as what you do when training and exercising. This is because the muscle-building part of the process happens not in the gym, but when you’re resting. During exercise, muscles are strained and slightly torn. During recovery, they are rebuilt to be bigger and stronger than before. Training…

What Everyone Needs to Know about Exercise and Blood Pressure

Although regular aerobic activity is important to the health and wellbeing of everyone, far too many people make the crucial mistake of assuming painful, strenuous workouts are the most productive way to exercise. The startling fact is that moderate exercise – with the prime example being walking – may be an even more effective way to exercise, especially if you need to lower your blood…

Where To Find Free Exercises To Flatten Stomach

They are everywhere; magazines where on the front cover have beautiful models showing off their flat stomach and a caption that may say something similar to “Want flat abs, we’ll show you how!” These magazine articles are great for some people who want to spend the money to buy the magazine in order to find out how to flatten their stomach. Then there are endless…

A Pilates Mind And Body Workout!

Pilates mind is the state of mind you get into during a Pilates workout. Think of it in much the same way as you think of the state of mind a person is supposed to have during yoga. Not quite like the runner’s high, Pilates mind is a more tranquil, refreshed state of awareness. Do all who perform the exercises experience Pilates mind? Undoubtedly, no.…

3 Tricks for Staying Focused

Most of us have so much on our plates that we tend to lose focus. It is tough to stay focused with the constant stream of clients, employees, phone calls, and emails calling out and demanding our attention but did you know that just understanding the limitations of the brain and working around it can improve one’s focus and increase one’s productivity? Our brains have…

FREE Energy Blueprint video Masterclass Series!

Sick and Tired of feeling SICK & TIRED? Then, you have got to see this FREE Masterclass Training. Let’s face it: you probably don’t have the energy that you used to. And despite knowing all that you know about eating right and being healthy, that energy just isn’t there like it should be. You might find yourself having a hard time getting out of bed…

Finally… Discover the Secrets for Eliminating Fatigue and Enhancing Your Energy!

ATTENTION: Are you performing at YOUR peak levels? Follow These Simple Steps to Increase Your Physical and Mental Energy and Banish Fatigue! Over the last several decades, our lives have become increasingly more hectic and jam-packed, which has led to many people experience exhaustion and chronic fatigue. We are finding it more and more difficult to perform at peak levels and often deal with an inability…