Upper Back Exercises for a Strong Back

The back supports the weight of the upper body and has to be strong to carry out its work unhindered. People focus on strengthening their lower back, but upper back muscles need toning up. A well-toned back looks good and helps in maintaining correct posture. Upper back exercises are a good way of strengthening the upper back. Some effective upper back exercises are mentioned below.…

Weight Lifting is a Multi-Purpose Exercise

Weight lifting in addition to developing muscle mass actually assists the human body in burning fat. For every pound of muscle you have, you will burn 35-50 calories a day. This is why you may notice that those who lift weights regularly seem to eat more, their bodies are constantly burning fat and they need to replenish the calories that are necessary to feed cells.…

Weight Training

For those that would like a more vigorous workout plan, weight training is a viable option that can combine building muscle tone and working the cardiovascular system. Weight training tones your muscles and raises your metabolism, which helps your body burn more calories not only when exercising but also while you sleep. Weight training reverses the natural decline in your metabolism, which begins around age…

Working Out for Extreme Fitness

Many people think about building muscles as abandoning life outside the gym and devoting hours to the gym like a monk in a monastery. Perhaps the only way to chisel the body into a hot muscular physique is by toiling hour by hour over the rusty iron day in, day out and year in, year out. This need not be so. Although hard work is…

Top 10 effective bodybuilding supplements

Thousands of bodybuilding supplements have been introduced and tested. Some are proven to work while some are just a waste of precious money. Experienced bodybuilders and athletes have listed the top 10 effective bodybuilding supplements and these are the following: 1. Probiotics. Probiotics are made from good bacteria like acidophilus and Bifidus. They help the digestive system to work properly. Manufactured products containing probiotics include…