Anxiety Relief Pills: Will a Pill Do the Trick?

At certain points in your life, you might have been plagued with worry. It might have been in the wake of beginning a marriage, starting a new career, or caring for a sick child. The worry might have affected you not only emotionally but physically as well. You might have experienced feelings of uneasiness, faintness, or breathing troubles. There are degrees of severity when it…


Combating Anxiety: The Alternative Way

Perhaps you break out into a cold sweat when you have to deliver a talk before a group of people. Or perhaps you become nervous when you have to take a test. There are certainly numerous causes for anxiety. Similarly, there are a number of treatment options for those afflicted with the illness. If you don’t like the idea of medication, you might try an…


Bringing an End to the Meal-Time Rush

For years, mothers have referred to the period of time between 4 and 7 p.m. as the hardest part of the day. The reason? That’s the time when children begin getting antsy, waiting for dinner to arrive. Because they’re hungry, their nerves tend to be on edge, resulting in more fussiness. It creates more work for the mother, as she must figure out a way…


Are Your Kids Stressing You Out?

Remember the first time you saw your first-born child? You might have been amazed at her eyes, or mesmerized by the perfection of his hands. You might have dutifully recorded the first smile, the first laughs, the first steps, the first dance. He or she became the most important individual in your life. When that little person came into your world, you knew that your…


Marriage Stress – Stressed Out by Your Marriage?

You may remember when you saw your future mate for the first time. Or you might remember the moment you realized that this was the person you were destined to marry. Those memories are special reminders of the excitement of a new relationship…of the euphoria that comes when you have fallen in love. They’re moments that you’d like to cling to for the rest of…


Meditation: A Key To Stress Management

We often see people break down in depression, or incapable of thinking properly in times of great need or problems. These are people who let stress rule their lives, and it's never a pretty sight to begin with. The only way for you to be free from stress is to make sure that you don't let it rule you. Here are some stress management tips…