For some, exercise is a passion. For others, it seems to be a four-lettered word, or in this case an eight-letter word. But it doesn’t have to be a dreaded event.

Exercise can be fun. It can mean more than running for hours on the treadmill or climbing the stair master until your legs feel like Jell-O.
You can get in shape by doing things that you love to do. Take sports for example, when you’re playing a heated game of basketball with your buddies, it doesn’t feel like exercise, but more like just a good time between friends.
A good tennis match on a Saturday afternoon can help to relieve stress just as much as a good run around the track would.

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Take advantage of your geographic location. If you’re lucky enough to live in a mountainous region, hiking and rock climbing can be a great form of exercise that doesn’t have to feel it.
Getting out into nature and climbing a mountain filled with beautiful trees, rocks and birds can do wonders for the body and the soul.

There’s just something about being outdoors that makes your body feel alive. Maybe you live away from the mountains, but close to the beach.
There are endless opportunities to work out there. From strolling through the sandy beaches to fun-filled beach volleyball games, you can be shaping up without being stuck inside a gym. And, if you’re the water-type, try your hand at surfing, wakeboarding, water skiing, or any other water sport that gets you out of your beach chair and into the activities that can help your health and your figure.

Some other fun ideas to get active without the dread that you feel when you hear the word exercise are bike riding, swimming, or dancing.
Get a group of friends together, hop on your bikes, and head out on a groomed city trail. You’ll be riding, chatting, laughing, and exercising.
Or take the kids to the local swimming pool. Not only will they love it, but you’ll also be burning calories right and left as you chase the kids around, attend underwater tea parties, and teach them how to dive.

Swimming is a great way to get a good workout, without feeling the pain of a good workout. Dancing is another fabulous way to sneak in some exercise. Whether you take a ballroom dancing class, enjoy tapping, or just hit the clubs with your friends to dance the night away, you’ll be sure to reap the benefits of shaping up.
Getting in shape can be fun, so don’t let your negative connotation of exercise inhibit your body from the benefits of daily activity.
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