Working Out for Extreme Fitness

Many people think about building muscles as abandoning life outside the gym and devoting hours to the gym like a monk in a monastery. Perhaps the only way to chisel the body into a hot muscular physique is by toiling hour by hour over the rusty iron day in, day out and year in, year out. This need not be so. Although hard work is…

You Need More Than Aerobic Exercise

Getting in shape takes more than aerobic exercise. While aerobics are an important component of overall fitness, you also need to incorporate muscle building workouts several times a week to achieve a well-balanced exercise program. The benefits of aerobics are well known. When you exercise aerobically, you strengthen your heart muscle as well as your entire cardiovascular system. Muscle building workouts fine tune the body…

Training Frequency & Rest Days

When it comes to muscle-building, how often you train and how often you rest are just as important as what you do when training and exercising. This is because the muscle-building part of the process happens not in the gym, but when you’re resting. During exercise, muscles are strained and slightly torn. During recovery, they are rebuilt to be bigger and stronger than before. Training…