For all the people with bone issues, did you know that calcium requires magnesium in order to be used by the body?

Magnesium by itself doesn’t need calcium to function in the body. Calcium should never be taken without magnesium. If you are supplementing just calcium you are actually reducing the amount of magnesium in the body which can be a bad thing. Few people realize the importance of the mineral magnesium.
Magnesium influences many of the body’s processes such as digestion, energy production, muscle function, bone formation, creation of new cells, activation of B vitamins, relaxation of muscles and helps in the function of the kidneys, heart, adrenal glands, the brain, and nervous system.
Every day we lose magnesium due to mental stress, caffeine, sugar intake, alcohol, tobacco, high perspiration, low thyroid, diabetes, chronic pain (causes stress), diuretics, and diets high in carbohydrates, sodium, and calcium.

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The most common symptoms of magnesium depletion that millions of people suffer from every day are low energy, fatigue, PMS and Hormonal imbalances, inability to sleep (insomnia), body tension, headaches, muscle tension, muscle spasms, and cramps, backaches, calcification of organs, weakening bones, heart-related difficulties, anxiousness, nervousness, and irritability.
Everybody needs magnesium.
What country has the highest rate of pasteurized milk consumption, and what country has the highest Calcium supplement consumption? The United States!
So if this is true, wouldn’t you think the United States would have the lowest rate of osteoporosis caused by calcium loss-making bones fragile? False! More calcium does not eliminate a calcium deficiency, only by adding magnesium to your diet will your body be able to handle a calcium deficiency and provide adequate magnesium for the body to dissolve excess calcium from the body like bone spurs while helping the body absorb more calcium all at the same time.

Magnesium is needed for the major biochemical process such as digestion, energy production, and the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
According to Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, calcium has been called the major mineral or the major nutrient mostly because there are a lot of books on osteoporosis (bone disease especially common in the elderly), and everybody thinks calcium is the major treatment for that. But if you don’t have magnesium, calcium doesn’t even work in the body.
Milk contains 8 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium per glass. In order for the body to absorb the calcium in milk the body has to make up for the missing magnesium, milk will rob the body of vital magnesium in order to process its calcium. Heavy milk-drinking can cause a magnesium imbalance in the body and lead to the negative effects associated with a magnesium imbalance that was listed above.

In America, calcium is now added to cereals, crackers, juice, antacids, and much more. None of these products add extra magnesium to bring balance back. If you’re eating dairy products and eating lots of organic yogurts, kefir, and green vegetables, you’re getting plenty of absorbable calcium. Yogurt does not contain magnesium and if you cook your vegetables, the magnesium found in the veggies will be destroyed, so what you need is just a basic magnesium supplement to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The statements in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, and cure or prevent disease. Please consult your health care physician before discontinuing medication or introducing herbs into your diet if you are currently on medication of any kind.

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