Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

Author: Alexa Allen

I love the holidays and I’m sure you also love them. The food served at such magical events (like Halloween, Thanksgiving, those in winter, and not just holidays, but maybe office parties or family gatherings) are so delicious, not to mention how good they look!

In every moment, a party can be created and you find yourself stuck in a restaurant with plenty of delicious and unhealthy food. What are you going to do in any similar situation? You’re not going to run away, right? In fact, you don’t have to. You can spend precious time with your family and friends if you have your secret plan on your mind on how to protect your body during such festive days.

Let me show you the tips you have to take into consideration so you won’t gain weight on holidays or any party/feasts. Instead, you can find yourself enjoying the festive moment! That’s so amazing! We all want that!

Let’s find out those precious tips!

Remember, you’re a smart person so you plan ahead how to behave before, during, and after the festive days.

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Photo by Afishera from Pixabay

Here are the most important tips:

– When you’re near a party/ holiday, you don’t skip meals, so you can actually be allowed to eat at the festive moment. Be gentle with your body. Eat balanced meals and make sure your body feels satisfied. In this way, you won’t go on an empty stomach at the parties and devour any dish you see on the table. An enormous meal won’t help your body lose weight. That’s a fact.

– You have the pre-party meal option–the healthy green smoothies: nutritious, high in fiber, perfect to make you feel full and not hungry anymore, but not for too long. You can’t just have one smoothie and then think you’re all set for the entire day! Don’t forget your proper meals. Give a click to the link if you’re interested to read more about green smoothies.

– Another option you have is to practice portion control. What does this exactly mean? It’s simple. You take small pieces from every dish on the table. It’s advantageous and you know why? Because you get to taste every one of them without feeling guilty that you are eating a lot and you’re affecting your body. You also look classy at such parties when you eat with precaution. You won’t be seen as a hungry person desperate to devour any dish until feeling full. You have to impress with your good manners, right?

Photo by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

– Help your body rebalance itself anytime during the holidays and in between them. You can do that by eating healthier foods, serving fruits and veggies daily. I suggest you choose the low-sugar fruits like avocados. This article made me think twice before eating a banana. Fructose can be scary.

– You can replace one meal with one green smoothie. It’s a healthy way to help your body clear out the overabundance of fats, calories, processed foods, sugars, that you are taking in during the festive days. If green smoothies sound like a great option for you, click this link to find out more about the benefits they bring to your body.

– There’s also the solution to work out during those busy days for your stomach. If you already have a workout routine, keep it. Don’t skip it just because everyone celebrates and you have to take a break or something. These events have nothing to do with your body. They were created just to have fun, to gather friends, families, and not to ruin your body. Be smart and enjoy the fun while you’re efficiently protecting your body from the temptations out there.

– Again, be smart and plan your detox days in between the holidays. You help your body a lot with a few detox drinks easy to make, like green smoothies. There’s also a 3-Day Detox program that you can find more about it here (at point 5).

Photo by pasja1000 from Pixabay

– And don’t forget about sugar! Don’t eat too many cakes, cookies! Oh, I’m certainly craving one right now. Gosh, this article annoys me. I found about it while I was having an ice cream, and I think you know how I felt. Really great. I couldn’t finish the ice cream and I threw it in the fridge. With anger, of course. But now it doesn’t matter, I still have fruits, right? Oh wait, I have to be careful so I won’t end up eating the wrong fruit! Just joking. Now let’s get back to our prime subject: green smoothies because I love this color.

Oh wait, that’s it for today.

Remember, these are the most important tips and if you manage to respect at least one of them, you will feel really great during the holidays. There’s no rush because you can plan ahead what you will do in the festive seasons, party and family gathering moments. Good luck!

If you want more details about this subject, click this link.

Healthy Festive Days to you!

Photo by Sharon Ang from Pixabay

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Until next time,
