Cleanse Your Colon For A Boost In Health

A variety of health problems exist today, which can all be traced back to the colon; abdominal pain, discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, and lack of energy. Bowel movements are the basis of our health. If we don’t have at least one bowel movement per day, we are already walking our way toward disease. These diseases even may lead to colon cancer. Therefore, we require regular cleanses…


Best Ways to Boost Your Energy

Everyone would like to feel more energetic during the day. You naturally go through periods of higher activity which contrasts with times of relaxation. The problem occurs when more energy and concentration are required than we can give. Or when we try to sleep and can’t. Follow these invaluable tips to a new you! 1) Stay on a regular sleep schedule. You can’t stay up…


The Easiest Way To Achieve Happiness

What is the easiest way to achieve happiness? People always think that what they want is money, relationship, material possessions, but what they truly want is happiness. Wealth, health and relationship are just the rewards of being happy. Happiness is a state of vibration that is in harmony with the universe. As you have already known, the same frequency vibrations tend to attract each other,…


Is The Power of Positive Thinking a lie?

Welcome to the bridge of Manifest life. Don’ t let any situation take the control. You are the second master of the game, under the universe master law, what you think is what you get. Can that be possible? Yes, it can be, you got to be in a manifesting state, your mind, your body is one, not two. The flow of energy that is…


The Secret to Happiness

The secret to happiness is contentment(Dali Lama) If we are content with what we have, and where we are, then we are happy.This means not grasping for attainment of material objects or even spiritual understanding, but being content and just allowing life to happen.How does this help us to achieve the things we want? I'm glad you asked! This brings me to Maslow's theory on…


Balance Work and Life

The work-life balance. Balance. It’s a nice word, but the reality is hard to pin down. It may not even put us on the right track in our 21st century quest for fulfillment and happiness. In this article we will talk about the integration of work and family life, beginning not with the workplace and the employer’s role in sorting things out, but with the…


Eradicate Depression – How to beat depression

This article is all about beating depression. I am a person who suffered from long bouts of depression, however after deciding to change my whole outlook on life, I now have a much happier, successful and stress-free life. I will explain how I went about achieving this new life. As I grew older and especially when I was in my early twenties, I used to…


Shift Your Reality to Include More of What You Want

You CAN Shift Your Reality to Include More of What You Want Do you know that you are emitting signals that the universe responds to? It’s like we’re all emitting radio signals that go out into the universe and match us up with anything on the same wavelength, bringing to us the circumstances and events which make up our lives. The signals you emit are…


How to Stop Hurting the People You Love Most

Why Do We Hurt Those We Love Most And How To Stop This You love each other but cant manage to communicate without arguing, fighting and ending up exhausted, each one in his corner, trying to lick his wounds and thinking of how to protect one self against a new attack. And in spite of thatyou love each other? How is this possible? Why do…


Solitude does not have to be alienating

In today's fast-paced society, we've become accustomed to filling the eeriness of silence with fluff. We turn to many distractions as a means of escaping feelings of idleness or boredom. But the main thing we wish to elude is loneliness. Solitude does not have to be alienating or lonesome. In fact, solitude and loneliness are distinctly separate. The death of a loved one or the…