Get to know Freddy Jabano — a blogger who likes to write about life in general, and mindfulness. Take a look at his blog to know him better.
Now, I continue by presenting here one of his articles “Everyday Happiness”. It’s interesting, so keep reading!
“One of the best phrases I’ve ever heard in a movie was: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present”. — Freddy Jabano
“Now I think this is such a beautiful way to look at life, I was left astounded when I heard it. I admire how easy it is for some people to look at any situation and still keep a positive mindset.” — Freddy Jabano
“Every day we are alive is an opportunity we are given. We should appreciate every second of every hour we are here, and yes maybe the situation we are in isn’t the best but let’s try to change our point of view and look every day as an opportunity.” — Freddy Jabano
Click here to continue reading his article!

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Now, it’s time to tell you about the six keys to finding true happiness! So scroll down to find out more and don’t forget to take notes!
The pursuit of happiness is one of the basic elements of human existence. We want to be happy. So why are so many people unhappy then? Most likely people are not happy because they are missing one of the six keys to happiness.
1. The most important key to your personal happiness is determining that you will be happy. For many people, their personal happiness is not a priority in their life. Too often, we put the happiness of others before our own. While this may please our children, spouse, or boss, this is not the path to happiness. This does not mean you should make yourself happy at the expense of others, but you must remember that the reverse should also not be true — your happiness should not be sacrificed to make others happy.
2. Once you have determined to make your pursuit of happiness a priority you need to determine just what it is that makes you happy. Spend some time reviewing the happy times in your life. Think about memories that make you smile or activities that make you joyful. Can you find a common element or theme? Then that is one of the keys to finding true happiness for you.

3. Now that you have identified what makes you happy you need to engage in that activity. Perhaps you need a creative outlet? Join a writing group, take an art class, or learn an instrument. Do you need physical activity? Then find a way to get back into a sport you love or start a new one. All that is necessary is that you find a way to reconnect with this key element.
4. However true happiness for most of us is not dependent solely on finding that one key. For most of us, we also require special people in our lives to be happy. Perhaps you have lost touch with someone important and can reach out to them? Or perhaps it is simply a time to plan some special time with family. It is important to our own pursuit of happiness to stay connected with those we love.
5. Another essential to finding true happiness is to give happiness to ourselves as well. Helping others in both small and large ways can help make you happier and more content. You might even be able to find a way to combine giving and engaging in an activity that makes you happy. For example, if you love to make people laugh you could organize a community talent show as a fundraiser for a local charity.

6. Finally, make a list of all the aspects of your life that do make you happy. So many of us get down because we dwell on the negative, but usually, there is something about your life that makes you happy. Make a list of these items so you can have a quick mood enhancer when you feel down.
Make a list of your desires, wishes, and dreams — big and small — and keep that list someplace handy. What can you do this week to achieve a small goal? What can you do this month to take a step toward a big goal?
Sometimes you don’t even need to accomplish your goals to achieve happiness. Sometimes it is simply enough to know that you are working toward your dreams. Often happiness is found on the path to our dreams. Often happiness is created while we strive to make our wishes come true. You can make yourself a happier person but you must tend to your happiness. So often we spend more time tending to our outer possessions than we do tending to our inner ones. You can make a few changes to your life to find a better balance and that will help create more personal happiness for you.
The pursuit of happiness does not have to be challenging or arduous. Finding true happiness can be as simple as determining, identifying, engaging, connecting, giving, and reminding yourself of the 6 keys to personal happiness.

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