Children who have behavioral issues and meltdowns often also have trouble sleeping, suffer from GI issues like constipation and diarrhea, and may have delayed language and development too.
Sadly, the mainstream medical community does not study (or practice) the powerful role nutritional intervention can have. Despite one-in-54 children being affected by autism today, most parents don’t know that nutrition can turn things around — from despair to hope, from struggle to improved behavior. Diet and nutrition can have a large impact on the growing brain, especially for children who have ADHD, autism, a mood disorder, or just need “a little help” paying attention.
Hope and a better life for children with ADHD or autism and their families are possible.
Are you looking for actionable information to begin making the changes to improve your child’s attention, focus, behavior, or mood issues?
Meet Your Host
Julie Matthews, BS NC is a globally respected nutrition expert, award-winning author, and published researcher. Her guidance is backed by seventeen years of clinical experience and scientific research with complex neurological and physiological needs; particularly autism and related disorders.
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